Friday, April 6, 2012

Someone I'll Always Remember

You're someone I'll always remember
Through June, July, August and long past December
The days and months now pass me by
Growing older with the twinkling of an eye
It won't be long 'till age makes my body tremor
You're someone I'll always remember
One day my working days will be done
I'll be retired and too old to have fun
My eyes too weak to give off a glimmer
You're someone I'll always remember
Someday I'll lie down for my final nap
A little shorter and big belly in my lap
I know life's not meant to be forever
But you're someone I'll always remember

Beautiful Girl

She is beautiful
She is special
She has talent
She can twist me like a pretzel

She is amazing
She is stunning
She has a smile
That can send sadness running

She is gorgeous
She is cherish
She is adored
She makes tears perish

She is a beautiful girl
She is my friend
She is thought of and loved

One Strong Rainbow

A great bond between us,
but our personalities vary
Still, a strong rainbow we are

Red is a brave and confident girl,
orange is the tolerant
Yellow is me, happy and joyful
bringing light to every atmosphere
Green represents the lively being
Blue, she's so honest and loves peace
Last but not least, theres violet
the mysterious one

It's the sisterhood that connects us
One for all, and all for one

Monday, February 23, 2009

Knowing Ourselves Better

No matter how we look at it, the fact remains that we students are responsible for our performance in school. Whatever accomplishment we achieve, these accomplishment tell who we are now and what we shall become tomorrow.

In high school our grades will determine how high or low our achievements are when a parade of 70's appear in our card. Either we encourage ourselves to do better the next quarter or discourage ourselves by not coming to school anymore.

Obtaining an award is always accompanied by strong determination to succeed. It is not obtained through easy ways, rather through sweat and tears.

Poverty should not be a reason for not reaching the peak of success. It is our initiative that counts. As long as we have vigorous mind and good health, there is always a chance to reach our destination.

So cheer up! Avoid the parade of 70's. Aim for 80's and 90's.

Do better and think wisely.

Take the courage and face the challenges.

Love Endures Everything

Love is not a joke,neither is loving. It should be taken seriously,just serious enough to stay faithful, but not too serious to go crazy over it.

When you love a person, it must be because your heart say so, no more, no less. There should not be any strings attached. Nor there should be vested interest on the person.

There are times, of course, when you are confronted with the situation calling for you to let your mind take control over your heart. Heart tends to be foolish sometimes, and they can get into deep trouble. It is a dilemma. Painful as it is and there has to be sacrifices to keep you away from heartaches.

Loving a person also hurts at times, because the one you love oftentimes fail to live up your expectations. But when you really love a person, you will not try to change her. You accept her for what she is and still keep on loving her because of being her. You learn to love the real person, the person He has revealed only to you and to no one else. Remember that every person is a unique individual with different needs.

Love is also sacred in the sense that it should never be based solely on the physical appearance, because love is a gift from our Almighty creator, it should be regarded with respect. As an author puts, " Pure love must not be defiled". Every one of us has to learn to distinguish real love from physical attraction.

Love does not need concrete evidences or proofs, the heart and the mind always feel..